My trip to Bastogne took place at 11.10.14, I visited the Bois Jacques Wood where the foxholes from the Easy Company are placed, the Easy Company Memorial and Foy. All Pictures except the Maps are my own proberty.
The Siege of Bastogne
The Siege of Bastogne took place at December 1944 and was a part of the Ardennes offensive, one of the last bigger offensives of the German Wehrmacht in WW2.
Offensive started at 16th of December 1944, the goal was to reach
the Habour of Antwerpen before the allied forces can re-group. The German
motorized Troops must hold all streets of East Belgium. All 7 streets running
together in Bastogne , it was essential for the German Troops to control this
traffic point in Bastogne.

Easy Company fought in cold weather under German artillery fire without
winter clothing and with limited rations and ammunition. The Allies
defeated the German offensive. Afterward, Easy Company and the rest of
the 506th PIR moved into Germany. The 101st Airborne Division was
awarded a unit citation for holding the line at Bastogne.
The Battle from the Easy Company took place in the wood called Bois Jacques, the Germans are located in the small village Foy.
At 22nd December General Mc Auliffe refused a offer from the germans to surrender with the simple word "Nuts".
At 22nd December General Mc Auliffe refused a offer from the germans to surrender with the simple word "Nuts".
Tactical Map Bastogne
The red dots are the foxholes of the Easy Company.
Driving from Foy to Bizory, the view (German view) shows the Bois Jacques wood.
The Monument of the Easy Company.
The monument is when you drive the road from Bastogne War Museum to direction Bizory, you will find this sign and you will make a left turn to Foy.
After some hundreds Meter you will see the old Train station on left side, after the train station the monument is on left.
The old Farm house during WW2 and 2014.
Additional Pictures from my trip